Kadiri Transitions is a Childrens Residential Facility located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Kadiri Transitions can serve a maximum of eleven residents between the ages of 17-21 years old. We were founded on the belief that a stable environment and strong adult allies are needed for emotional growth and independence. We have created a well-designed program located in a beautiful historic Victorian Mansion. We are a community-based independent living skills program situated near parks, public transportation, bike lanes, and grocery stores. It is surrounded by school and work opportunities as it is only a short 10-minute drive from Downtown Minneapolis.
At Kadiri Transitions, we believe education, apprenticeship, and Job experiences are the key to achieving long-lasting independence. Residents of Kadiri have reported that the unique familial type of relationships between the residents and staff has been the catalyst for making a profound life change.
Our guys are provided with academic assistance and support that lead to academic success. Simultaneously we foster the importance of responsibility, accountability, good study habits, honesty, and integrity. The result is independence through education and employment.
Our unique approach allows residents to explore their talents and abilities while advancing themselves through discipline and hard work. They will not only gain valuable independent living skills through schooling, job training, and academic assistance, but they will also grow in their self-confidence and self-assurance - which is most important for long-term success.
Eligibility Criteria
Kadiri House is not equipped to serve adolescents who are required to register as sex offenders, are actively psychotic, or have significant mental impairments preventing them from successfully achieving independence.
To learn more about making a referral to Kadiri Transitions or Kadiri House, click the Find out More button below or call us at 612-886-6228